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New Footage From the Ma’Khia Bryant Shooting Shows Her Family Wasn’t Telling the Truth


As we’ve often seen with these cases of white police officers shooting black Americans that are heavily promoted by the mainstream media, the initial facts the public was told turned out to be false.

In the case of Ma’Khia Bryant, the narrative that we were presented with was that she called the police for help and they ended up shooting her while she was defending herself from attack. Some public figures, like Valerie Jarrett, went all-in on this narrative.

Unsurprisingly, Bryant’s family seemed to think she did nothing wrong and placed all the blame for her being shot on a police officer out to “kill Black folks.” As the Daily Beast reported:

“She was a good kid. She was loving,” Hazel Bryant, who said the child was her niece, told reporters. “She didn’t deserve to die like a dog in the street. The police are going to lie. I’m so thankful that someone from the family was actually on the scene,” Bryant said before the release of the bodycam footage.

“The police are going to lie. The police are going to cover up for themselves. They don’t care. At this point, I feel like they’re just out to kill Black people. They’re not here to protect and serve. That isn’t happening. That’s been over a long time ago. They’re not here to protect and serve. They’re here to kill Black folks.”

“It looks to me like that’s what the police wanted to do, to kill her. I’m just trying to figure out why,” Ila Bryant said. “We have to remember that we should love each other.”

Her mother, Paula Bryant, told 10 WBNS, “She was a very loving, peaceful little girl. She was an honor-roll student, and Ma’khia had a motherly nature about her. She promoted peace.”

A short clip was released that clearly showed Ma’Khia Bryant preparing to stab a victim before she was shot.

However, another video released from across the street gives us a better view of what happened. Ma’Khia Bryant is heard saying “I’m going to stab the f*** out of you b****” while lunching at two unarmed people.

If you watched the video, you’ll see that Bryant instigated the violence and none of the women she attacked fought back or were physically threatening her. As for the claims made by some people that the officer should have deescalated the situation, from the time Bryant bull charged the first woman to the point where the officer killed her as she was trying to stab the woman holding the puppy was about 6 seconds.

Maybe you can’t blame someone’s family for seeing what they want to see in a situation, but there’s no excuse for anyone else. That officer did the right thing and his quick action saved a woman from being murdered right in front of him.

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